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DryCASE, Keeping Jim Cantore Protected

DryCASE, Keeping Jim Cantore Protected
DryCASE, keeping Jim Cantore protected from the unpredictability of the elements. Meteorologist Jim Cantore always keeps his phone protected with DryCASE. He understands the chaos of nature first hand, and never underestimates its unpredictable tendencies. Manning the front lines of The Weather Channel requires the top of the line gear, and Jim Cantore always stays protected with his DryCASE. In a recent Popular Mechanics article:

Cantore’s cellphone is his lifeline, and he’s almost always in torrential downpours. He swears by DryCase, which allows him to seal electronics in plastic, pump out excess air to create a vacuum pouch, and still plug in an earpiece and have full touchscreen functions.

Whether you are caught by a storm walking the dog or relaxing next to the pool, keep your gear protected with DryCASE. Get Your Tech Wet!

Visit the DryCASE products page to keep your phone protected today!

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