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DryCASE: Winner of the 2017 MADE Awards!

DryCASE: Winner of the 2017 MADE Awards!

Come see us at the Wilmington Biz Expo at MADE awards winner’s booth!


Produced by the Greater Wilmington Business Journal, the MADE awards focus on creative business minds, small business owner, and manufacturers in the Wilmington area.DryCASE won the Manufacturing Category award, which means we won the best product manufactured in Wilmington.

All of our products are assembled and shipped right out of our warehouse, here in Wilmington. Each product is also tested and signed off by a warehouse worker before going out to the customer. By doing this, we assure 100% satisfaction to our customers.

As a winner, we were featured in a special section of the February 24 issue of the Business Journal. On March 30th, we are going to host a booth at the 2017 WilmingtonBiz Conference and Expo at the Wilmington Convention Center in downtown Wilmington. Come out and support us and other local businesses to celebrate the great inventions and creations of Wilmington minds!


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