Wilmington's DryCORP Makes A Splash At MacWorld and CES

Wilmington's DryCORP Makes A Splash At MacWorld and CES

Local Makers of the DryCASE Dramatically Increase Business and Go International
After Two Major Trade Shows

Wilmington, NC (February 3, 2011) - Wilmington's own Dry Corp, manufacturers of the DryCASE, the only vacuum-sealed, waterproof case for portable electronics such as iPhones, Droids, MP3 players and cameras, just came off a whirlwind trade show stint that included exhibitions at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) and Macworld. Not knowing how the retailers, media, and consumers would react to their products at these shows, Dry Corp was pleasantly surprised at the overwhelmingly positive feedback they received.

In fact, at CES they gained 14 New Dealer accounts as well as three major domestic distributors in the Wireless Accessories Arena. They also landed four new international distributors in Brazil, Chile, Korea, and Panama, as well as numerous press and larger retailer attention including a pending deal with Brookstone. Dry Corp tracked more than $8,000 in retail web sales as a direct result of the show, and less then a month after CES, revenues directly tied to the show are over $22,000. Additionally, they have 300+ leads from the show that they are still following up with.

At Macworld, Dry Corp sold $17,000 worth of retail products at the show to Mac enthusiasts in only three days (about 700 units). They also gained six new Mac Dealers and are in talks with the largest Apple Products distributor in the world. Since Macworld, Dry Corp has had about $2,400 in web sales directly tracked to the show (which only ended last weekend). They also have several pending deals with Apple distributors in Japan and Brazil. Less then a week after Macworld closed, Dry Corp has enjoyed more than $20,000 in revenues directly tied to the show.

We went to the largest electronics trade show in the U.S. and to the largest gathering of Mac enthusiasts in the world and had no idea what their reaction would be, said Dry Corp Founder Dr. Roy Archambault. It was a risk that paid off handsomely because we were able to introduce our DryCASE products to a large group of people and dramatically expand our business as a result. I couldn't be happier with the reaction we received.

The DryCASE is a flexible, crystal clear waterproof bag that provides complete use of your phone, camera or MP3 player while keeping it dry and clean. Simply pump out all the air with the easy to use hand pump and the bag will vacuum seal around the contents and become completely waterproof. The airtight seal guarantees that the contents of the bag will stay dry even when submerged underwater. Every DryCASE comes with an extreme activity arm band for water sports and is crystal clear so pictures can be taken through it while using the other side.

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