DryCASE Waterproof Vacuum Sealed Bag Review

The DryCASE was created by DryCORP, makers of waterproof body protection products for the medical industry. DryCORP’s motto is: “AirTight. Fits Right” That can also be said of the DryCASE, a clear case with a vacuum seal that protects anything you put in it. As you can see from the photo below, the DryCASE is mainly designed to hold MP3 players. It can also carry, cell phones, cameras, and other valuables. At a retail price of $39.95, it’s a good investment if you’re playing in or near the water.
DryCASE with Pump
Prior to putting my electronics in the DryCASE, I wanted to make sure it would work, and more importantly, I knew how to work it. The company sent along with orange pieces of paper, that turn purplish-blue when wet. I decided to test out the bag with the paper in it.
In this picture, you can see the cord that plugs into your MP3 player. If you’re not submerging the case, a regular headphone will work. If you plan on swimming with the DryCASE, you can purchase DryBUDS waterproof headphones on their website.
In order to protect an item, you slip it into the DryCASE. It’s best to do this while your hands are dry so no water gets on the inside of the bag. There are latches on the top of the bag (pictured below) that seal it tight. You then attach the yellow pump to the valve and pump out the air. Pretty simple. As you pump out the air, the bag will enclose around the cargo. the silica bags are best left inside the bag to keep the contents dry. The company says you can keep the pump attached to the bag to act as a flotation device, but that didn’t work well for me. If you’re active the pump falls off, so it’s best to use the Armband or Lanyard to keep the bag on your body.
DryCASE Seal Test
After pumping the air out of the bag, I submerged it in a bucket of water. Notice the paper is still orange. I quickly learned the most important step is latching the DryCASE. It took a few tries to get it right.
DryCASE Latch Open
Here’s a close-up of the DryCASE latch. It’s open. The latch should close with a slight resistance, but you shouldn’t have to struggle to close it. If you’re struggling, the plastic is probably bunched up on the seal, and the seal will not close correctly.
DryCASE Latch Closed
Here the latch is closed. Just remember to keep the top of the bag (the seal) clean and double check the seal. DryCASE recommends waiting 3 minutes after sealing the bag before getting the bag wet. This will help ensure it is vacuum sealed.
DryCASE at the Pool
We played around the pool with the DryCASE. Notice the vacuum seal around the iPod. The Armband fits children and adults.
DryCASE Underwater
So here’s the ultimate test. Submerging the DryCase with my iPod. No Worries. I noticed if you seal the bag too tight around the iPod, it’s hard to operate the play and menu buttons because you can’t press them in. The “touch” features work fine, you just need to have a small air gap to operate the buttons.
The DryCASE would be a great addition to any excursion where you need to keep valuables dry. You can fit an iPod and a cell phone in the bag. Also, you can suck the air out of the bag with your mouth on the valve.
Provided by:http://www.nationaloutdoors.net/gearreview/drycase-waterproof-vacuum-sealed-bag-review
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