Jordan Messick on 2013 Counselor's Hot List

Jordan Messick on 2013 Counselor’s Hot List
DryCASE National Accounts Manager, Jordan Messick, made the 2013 Counselor’s Hot List! Counselor’s Hot List is composed of the 49 people who are shaking up the ad specialty market, creating unique business plans, networking like maniacs, and overall, making the industry fun and successful place to work.
DryCASE is brand new to the promotional industry but has achieved great success since its debut at ASI 2012. Located on the coast of NC, DryCASE created a unique product designed to protect your phone, iPad or camera from water, while still allowing it to function normally when enclosed in the case.
Jordan Messick is taking DryCASE to the next level through co-branding and promotional marketing. “DryCASE is the only company at ASI to bring new products never before offered in the promotional world. We provide an unrivaled product that throws an exciting twist on all traditional promotional items.”
Messick and his sales squad keep DryCASE one step ahead of its competition. Made up of young water enthusiasts, our sales team ensures that DryCASE adapts to the latest trends in technology. Currently, the company is working to develop a new DryCASE size that will accommodate the growing popularity of mini-tablets.
Like his role model LeBron James, Messick “dominates at every attempt he makes.” He is the guy who makes everyone want to work harder, to set higher goals for themselves and to achieve the next level of success. His determination and outstanding service to distributors are giving DryCASE the thriving momentum it needs as the company moves into its third year.
“Looking back,” Messick says, “the best advice I’ve received is to always make a plan, stick to it and be persistent” The plan is working– the company grew 300% from one year to the next. His goals for the future: “Be the leading worldwide provider of waterproof electronic accessories for smart devices.”
On the few occasions that Jordan is not fixated at his desk making calls and sending emails, he is out enjoying life by the ocean. He likes boating, scuba diving, and spearfishing.
Sales superstar, Jordan Messick, deserves to be recognized for supplying the industry with a fresh line of products that help to grow the promotional world from year to year.
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