Keeping Expensive Camera Gear Protected With the DryCASE Masonboro

Keeping Expensive Camera Gear Protected With the DryCASE Masonboro

Daren Wilz, a sport’s photographer in North Carolina, recently e-mail us about his struggles to find a bag that would protect his expensive camera gear while he photographed outdoor events. Luckily, he came across DryCASE just in time for the table Rock Ultras in Morganton, NC. Read his story below to find out how his DryCASE backpack kept his gear completely protected, even in the rain.

“I enjoy photographing outdoor adventure races and sports. These events don’t always get pleasant weather. I searched online for a waterproof solution for my gear that would also let me take it into the backcountry but never found anything that interested me. Recently, I searched again after I had read a review from a photographer who had discovered a waterproof backpack. It sounded like the perfect solution for me. So I called my local hiking and kayaking outfitter and inquired about the backpack. The owner of the store told me that he didn’t have that particular brand but he invited me to stop by to check out the DryCase brand. He said that they were very nice. I stopped by and knew instantly that it was what I needed. The following weekend I was photographing an Ultra and wouldn’t you know we had steady rain. The perfect opportunity to try it out under nasty conditions.

I was very happy with how my gear performed. My new DryCase waterproof backpack performed like a champ. As you can see in the photo I am able to attach a light stand (I attached 2 during another event) outside the pack for easy carrying. Lots of room inside for camera, lenses and speed lights. I like the way the pack sits on my back even when heavily loaded. I’m very happy with my DryCase and looking forward to my next adventure!”

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  • Corey Heim