Blogs — Waterproof Vacuum Seal Case

Surfing with my iPhone

Surfing with my iPhone

Now one might ask why would you want to ruin the zen of surf session by bringing your iPhone out in the line up with you.

DryCASE works with almost any size phone, camera or Mp3 player

DryCASE works with almost any size phone, camera or Mp3 player

Unlike other product specific cases, DryCASE works with all kinds of different cell phones, digital cameras, and Mp3 players. Whether you want one for your iPhone and iPod or your Blackberry and your Zune.

Take photo undewater with your normal digital camera

Take photo undewater with your normal digital camera

DryCASE not only works great with phones but also is a quick and easy way to keep your digital camera clean and dry while around the water. You can even take photo underwater!

DryCASE works great to keep your digital camera dry!

DryCASE works great to keep your digital camera dry!

DryCASE not only works for phones but also cameras. Here’s a photo showing the DryCASE sealed over a digital camera.